Passwords, Usernames uye Kupinda mukati

Ini Ndinopinda Sei?

Current members who have paid this year’s dues can go directly to the Login page and enter your Username and Password to get to the member section of the website.


Chii Changu Username kana password

Go to the login page, and you will see a link to request your username or reset your password.

Ini Ini Ndinochinja Sei Rangu Username kana password

To change your username, log into the members-only section and go to the “your profile” link under the picture. Once there, scroll down to see an edit button.

To change your password, log into the members-only section and go to the “your profile” link under the picture. Once there, hover your mouse over the “your profile” tab. You will see a drop-down box, and in there, you will see the menu item “change password.”

Kunyorera & Kuvandudza Hunhu

Ndingaite Sei Kuti Ndive Nhengo?

Kuti utarise mhando dzakasiyana dzehunhengo, enda kune Nyorera Pamhepo Peji. Iwe unogona zvakare kujoina nekudzvanya bhatani pazasi. Paunotumira kunyoreswa kwako kuve nhengo, uchagamuchira risiti yeemail yekubhadhara kwako uye email inogamuchirwa neruzivo maererano nehunhu hwako.

Iva Nhengo

Ndinoita Sei Kuti Ndivandudze Hupenyu Hwangu?

Two weeks before your membership renewal is due, you will receive a reminder email that your membership will expire on July 1. Attached is an invoice. You can pay directly from that invoice. Our new member program utilizes recurring billing. If you paid online in 2017, you were set up for auto-renewal. If not, you will need to pay online next year to be set up for auto-renewal.

If you don’t pay directly from the emailed invoice, you may log in to the members-only section and go to the “your profile” tab. Once there, hover your mouse over the “your profile” tab and look in the drop-down box for the menu item “invoices.” Click on invoices, and you can see all your invoices. You can then pay directly from that invoice.

Vandudza Izvozvi

Kubhadhara Kwangu Kwakachengeteka Here?


1. Isu takaisa SSL chengetedzo zvitupa pane yedu webhusaiti yekutambira chikuva.

2. Yedu yemitezo yekubhadhara nhengo inomanikidza SSL pakubuda.

3. You will notice that the http:// changes to https:// on the page where you enter your credit card number.

Nhengo Yenhengo

The IAOMT Forum is where IAOMT members can start communication (in the form of topics) and reply to other members’ threads. Years ago, forums were often referred to as message boards.

Messages posted by members are visible to all other members.  Once read, there is the option for other members to post a reply. Thus, a discussion can build up without all members having to be online simultaneously.

Iyo yakajairwa tambo kune edu mitezo ichave "Clinical Kukurukurirana" shinda. Ukangodzvanya pane izvo, iwe uchaona dzakasiyana misoro. Iwe unogona kupindura kune chero tambo. Kana iwe uine mubvunzo usina kutumirwa, unogona kugadzira yako. Ichi chishandiso chakakosha kuti nhengo dzisvike uye dziwane rubatsiro kubva kune vavanoshanda navo.

To use the forum, you must log in to the members-only section. Then, you will click “forum” in the header menu.

Dzimwe nyaya dzekubatsira dzinoenda pano
FAQs ichaenda pano.

Haugone Kuwana Mhinduro Pano?

isu Email pa kana kutifonera ku Main Office: (863) 420-6373 kana Tech Support: (816-601-1160) kuti ubatsirwe.